Sunday, June 27, 2010


I haven't updated in quite some time. I've been swamped with trying to be social, be a member of my family, spend time with said family, this stupid online geography course I'm taking, learning how to drive, and of course trying to keep to my running schedule. It has been super hard to do all these things at once. It has all been super stressful as well. I have been in a mood of depression for about 2 weeks now and I just can't seem to shake it. I am super depressed over a lot of things but I don't want to share any of it in this blog. Nonetheless, I'm trying not to let any of it get me down and hold me down from going out and running. Running.. anyway, has become a release for me.

I went for my first ever beginners run with the North Brooklyn Runners on Wednesday! I had a great time but struggled trying to do the 2 miles straight. I ended up having to walk once I got to the 1.7 mark. I'm going to try to do a lot better this week. What I enjoyed most though was being able to finally meet new people, try to rebuild a social life at home, and run in a group. It was great to be able to run with a group that encouraged me to keep going, stood at my pace and didn't leave me behind, and were sociable. I didn't bring or need my iPod. I really enjoyed it. It made the whole run go so much faster when you have people to talk to and it was a ton more enjoyable. :)

I have been having some leg/shin pain in my right leg again which is keeping me from doing what I want to do. I've taken the past 3 days off but I hope tonight will go well.

I'm visiting my best friend next week for a week in Albany. He's so proud of me for running and everything that I'm doing. I cannot wait to get out there and spend some time with him and maybe finally run together. I'm so excited over seeing him. I think seeing him will definitely boost my mood a ton and hopefully give me further motivation to keep at all this and make it through the summer. I don't want to go back to spending my entire days in bed with depression.. I want to leave that all behind,

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