Sunday, June 13, 2010

First 5k this Saturday.

I'm getting major butterflies in my stomach when I think about my first 5k race being this Saturday. I've been reading articles all morning on what to eat, how much to rest, what to expect on race day, etc. I just hope I do well. I know I can run at least very least 22mins straight which for me is about 2miles or so. I know I can push myself to 2.5miles straight. I know I can do it. Even if I have to take breaks to walk. I will do this!

I'm excited and I'm nervous all at the same time. This is the first time in my life that I'm doing something for myself that is completely driven by my own motivation, for myself, and where I'm only relying on me for support. I always relied on other people to support me through school and other such things and finally.. I know that the only person I can rely on to finish this race is myself. My own legs, my own lungs, my own mind, my own motivation, and my own heart will get me through this race. I know when I cross that finish line -- even if I'm last -- I'll know that I made it there all by myself. It's going to feel great.

I'm super nervous and reminding myself to take it easy with the training this week. Only easy runs this week.

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