I went for my run today and I felt such satisfaction when I walked in the door and saw how sweaty my shirt was. It is always one of the things I check and get great happiness out of seeing drenched with sweat from my hard workout. I know some people probably get all grossed out and rip off their shirt and go immediately into the shower but I love seeing how much I worked and kicked ass out there.
Am I weird? Am I the only one who does this? I even look at my shirt before going into the shower and I'm just like "Yeah Jennuh. You kicked ass. ;D"
It makes me so happy and proud of myself for going for my run. Today was great, btw. I took a week and a half off mainly because I was visiting my sister in NC and because I had a really bad shin splint in my right leg. But all seems a lot better now. I went out there and tore it up. :D Definitely pounded the pavement today. Might do some cycling at the gym tomorrow and get the new class schedule. I feel really excited to get back into my workout routine and really get onto my weight loss adventure. So going to be thin and healthy soon and happy. ^^
Own that sweat girl--you earned it! I enjoy doing my workout laundry and get a feeling of satisfaction if there's lots of it!